Monday, October 12, 2009

Green Smoothie

GREENS!!!!!!! I love leafy greens - ALL of them. Salads make me giddy and I crave green juices. Interestingly, I have really struck out when it comes to green smoothies. Quite honestly, I haven't liked most that I've tried. I have made numerous attempts, each time thinking "this is going to be the one that sticks." No such luck! Inevitably, I end up throwing most green smoothies down the hatch with my nose pinched between my thumb and index finger.

Then, one day after reading about the many health benefits of cilantro, I decided to try the Cilantro Pineapple Shake from Sarma's new book Living Raw Food. It's delicious! It is now my go-to green smoothie and I make it at least once per week. I love the limey taste of the cilantro. As a matter of fact, I have thought about adding some fresh squeezed lime time!
Here's my variation:
1/2 fresh pineapple (frozen is OK too)
1 large cucumber (or 2 small) peeled
1 bunch of cilantro - I only use the upper parts of the stems and leaves
2 tbsp agave
1/2 vanilla bean
1 pinch of sea salt
1 cup coconut water - you may not need as much because the pineapples and cukes have so much water.

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